Wednesday, February 27, 2013

List of C programs to be written in File (2nd Sem)

Dear Students,

Here is a list of programs which you are supposed to write in your file.
I am not specifying all the programs which we have done in the lab, but only some of the basic programs. Make sure that you have at least recorded all of them in your files.

Structures in C :
  1. To display mark sheet of one student, where student is defined as structure as per its attributes.
  2. To display mark sheet of such n students, as per previous program.
  3. Create a structure bank and perform following functions :

Friday, February 22, 2013

Download all C- Programs (sem-2)

Hello, Friends we have got all the C Programs which we have done in C Lab. If you want any program then download given below file, Its contains all the programs.

Friday, February 1, 2013

IMP Questions for Computer Organization

  1. What’s Hardware and Software?
  2. What’s Application and System Software?
  3. Explain Computer Organization & Functional Units
  4. Explain Main Memory & Auxiliary Memory
  5. What’s Device Controller?