
Empty set:
a set which have not any elements. Is known as empty set.

Singulation Set:
a set which have only one element it know as Single set.

Finite Set:
a set which has finite number of elements it know as finite set.

Infinite Set:
a set which doesn't have finite number elements it’s called infinite set.

if all elements of set A are also present in set B. thene A is subset of B.

Proper Subset:

all element of set A are also present in set B and set B have one element which not present in A. then A it’s called proper subset of B.

Equal set:
if set A&B have same elements than it’s said to be equal set.

if there exist one to one correspondence between elements of A and elements of B. than A&B are said to is equivalent set.

Power set:
the family of all the subsets of a given set.

Universal Set:
a parent set from which all different subset are optained is called universal set for that particular setuation.

Intersaction of two sets:
a set of common elements which belongs to set A and set B.

Compliment of a two set:
a set of all elements which belong to universal set bus doesn't belong to A. It den